AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

1. Investment Overview The information in this Section 1 is a summary only. It should be read in conjunction with the information set out in the remainder of this Prospectus. A. Introduction Topic Summary For more information Who is issuing this Prospectus? AuKing Mining Limited ACN 070 859 522 Who is AKN and what does AKN do? AuKing Mining Limited is a company incorporated in Australia and has been a junior exploration company focussed on establishing and developing copper and gold projects in Australia and overseas. It currently has no project interests, pending completion of the KP Transaction involving the Koongie Park Project. Section 3 What are AKN’s objectives? On 25 June 2020, the Company announced that it had executed a binding term sheet with AAR in relation to its Koongie Park Project. The Company has also entered into an agreement to secure the technical services of Accudo. The Company will apply to ASX for its Shares to be re-instated to Official Quotation and for the Offer Securities to be admitted to Official Quotation. If the Shares are reinstated to Official Quotation and the Offer Securities are admitted to Official Quotation and all of the KP Transaction Conditions are satisfied, the Company’s activities will focus on the following: a. optimising existing feasibility studies on the proposed mining of the Sandiego deposit incorporating results from planned resource extension drilling targeting extensions along strike and at depth; b. carrying out a detailed exploration program across the Koongie Park Project tenures to identify additional base metals deposits to complement the existing Sandiego and Onedin resources. This includes possible drilling at depth below both deposit to identify sulphide extensions to mineralisation below the existing known oxide and transitional ore zones; and c. trialling and evaluating the AmmLeach® metallurgical process for the Onedin deposit which has shown good recovery test work results on other deposits with similar ore characteristics to the deposits at Koongie Park. If these activities are successful, AKN will have secured the ability to earn a majority holding in a significant undeveloped Australian copper/ zinc project that has the capacity to be developed into a mine in the near term. Sections 3.1 and 3.3 AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 9