AuKing Mining Limited Prospectus

The Company understands how important it is to keep your personal information private. The Company will only disclose personal information we have about you: a. when you agree to the disclosure; b. when used for the purposes for which it was collected; c. when disclosure is required or authorised by law; d. to other members within the Company’s group; e. to your broker; or f. to external service suppliers who supply services in connection with the administration of the Company’s register such as mailing houses and printers, Australia Post and financial institutions. Shareholders have the right to access, update and correct your personal information held by the Company and Link except in limited circumstances. If you wish to access, update or correct your personal information held by Link or by the Company please contact the respective offices. If you have any questions concerning how the Company handles your personal information please contact the Company. 13.17 Inspection of documents Copies of the following documents may be inspected free of charge at the registered office of the Company and at the offices of HopgoodGanim Lawyers, Level 8, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane during normal business hours: a. the Material Contracts in Section 12 of this Prospectus; b. the Constitution; c. the consents referred to in Section 13.12 of this Prospectus; and d. Corporate Governance Charter and Whistleblower Policy. 13.18 Electronic Prospectus An electronic version of this Prospectus is available from the Company’s website at The Application Form can only be distributed attached to or accompanying a complete and unaltered copy of the Prospectus. The Application Form included with this Prospectus contains a declaration that the investor has personally received the complete and unaltered Prospectus prior to completing the Application Form. The Company will not accept a completed Application Form if it has reason to believe that the investor has not received a complete paper copy or electronic copy of the Prospectus or if it has reason to believe that the Application Form or electronic copy of the Prospectus has been altered or tampered with in any way. While the Company believes that it is extremely unlikely that the electronic version of the Prospectus will be tampered with or altered in any way, the Company cannot give any absolute assurance that it will not be the case. Any investor in doubt concerning the validity or integrity of an electronic copy of the Prospectus ought immediately request a paper copy of the Prospectus directly from the Company or a financial adviser. 13.19 Subsequent events There has not arisen, at the date of this Prospectus any item, transaction or event of a material or unusual nature not already disclosed in this Prospectus which is likely, in the opinion of the Directors to affect substantially: a. the operations of the Group; b. the results of those operations; or c. the state of affairs of the Group. AuKing Mining Limited | PROSPECTUS 249